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Category: Life Insurance

Why it's Important to Get Life Insurance While You're Young

Why it's Important to Get Life Insurance While You're Young

When you’re young, you feel invincible – like nothing could ever hurt you. You’re less likely to consider life insurance, even though this is the prime time to get it. However, you never know what’s going to happen, and in my case, I’m happy I was prepared.Life-Changing NewsIt was a sunny Saturday in August when I received a diagnosis that would turn my world upside-down:...

Here’s Why You Should Buy Life Insurance for Your College Student

Here’s Why You Should Buy Life Insurance for Your College Student

A college student does not typically have children or debt, other than student loans. With no dependents who rely on them, why would you buy life insurance for a child in college? No one wants to consider the death of a child. However, should this tragedy occur in your family, if you have co-signed on any loans, it can become a problem. On the positive...

Do I Have to Choose a Beneficiary? What You Need to Know

Do I Have to Choose a Beneficiary? What You Need to Know

When you purchase a life insurance policy, you must name a beneficiary, or several. The listed beneficiary is the person who will receive the death benefits should you pass away before you time. A sudden death due to an accident or illness leaves the family bereft, but the life insurance benefit allows them to move forward without suffering serious financial problems. The benefits are not...

Review Your Policy After These Major Life Changes

Review Your Policy After These Major Life Changes

If you have life insurance, you are in good shape. However, when major life changes occur, it is time to review your policy and update it to suit your new situation. When to Review Your Life Insurance? Several life events will significantly change your life insurance needs. These include: Getting married: Once you are married, your lives are merged into one, sharing finances and personal...

How to Determine the Right Amount of Coverage Needed

How to Determine the Right Amount of Coverage Needed

Life insurance – everyone needs it, but how much coverage do you need? Every individual has a unique situation and choosing the amount of coverage requires calculating specific factors. These include the financial obligations that would be left should you suddenly pass away, including: Income replacement: Your loved ones can be left in a dangerous financial condition without the income you bring to the family....

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